Dutch Reformed Wiki


Creston Christian Reformed Church was sponsored by Coldbrook (now Beckwith Hills) CRC northeast of Coldbrook's original location. It organized in 1915.

Historical Details[]


  1. Page Hall, 1431 Plainfield NE (1915-17)
  2. Shenahan Hall, 1418 Plainfield NE (1917)
  3. 238 Spencer Street NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505 (built 1917)


  1. Karst Bergsma, 1916-23
  2. W. Groen, 1924-26
  3. Henry Verduin, 1926-46
  4. W. P Brink, 1948-52
  5. R. O. De Groot, 1953-59
  6. W. Hendriksen, 1961-65
  7. J. W. Uitvlugt, 1966-71
  8. J. Dykstra, 1972-82
  9. D. A. Kamper, 1974-78
  10. Donald J. Van Beek, 1983-present

Daughter Churches[]

  1. Riverside, 1953

Membership Overview[]

Creston grew steadily until 1925, when it stabilized at about 580 members. A decade of decline began in 1936, and membership hovered around the 500 mark through 1963. Then came a long period of decline, which ended in 1985. The church grew 14% from 1985 to 1991, in part due to the highest birth rate in a long time.

Creston's future looked bleak between 1971 and 1980, with a youth ratio of 19 to 21% - dangerously low. This represents the longest period with a low youth ratio and the lowest youth ratio of any surviving congregation. Things seem to turn around for a while circa 1990. The current youth ratio of 34% is average, and it has been increasing since 1978. This coupled with a high birth rate should overshadow the high death rate.


Membership data, Creston CRC, Grand Rapids, MI

Membership Data[]

Green (lower) line shows membership in families; blue (middle), professing members; red (top), total members; and magenta (thin), non-professing members.


Youth ratio, Creston CRC, Grand Rapids, MI

Youth Ratio[]

Red line shows nonprofessing members as a percentage of total membership.


Five year growth rate, Creston CRC, Grand Rapids, MI

Five Year Growth Rate[]

Red line shows five year growth rate. A five year growth rate between 10% and -10% is considered stable; greater than 10% indicates a growing congregation; one below -10% indicates a church in decline. This makes no allowance for daughter churches.

Data source: Yearbooks of the Christian Reformed Church. Dates are year prior to publication date since data is gathered at the end of one year and published in the next.
